Frank “Budd” Kelley, Chairman , Board of Assessors Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler, Assessor
E. Peter Murphy, Assessor Michelle Branciforte, MAA, Principal Assessor
March 11, 2014 Open Session Meeting Minutes
Present: B. Kelley, S. Wechsler, E. Peter Murphy, M. Branciforte
The meeting opened at 6:00 p.m.
The minutes from March 4, 2014 open session and executive session were read, accepted and signed.
The next meeting date will be scheduled for March 18, 2014.
At 6:06 p.m. Budd motioned to adjourn the meeting and enter Executive Session . Peter seconded the motion.
All were in favor.
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Frank “Budd” Kelley Sanford “Sandy” Wechsler E. Peter Murphy, Assessor